Just like her first album SOUR, the tracks have inspired endless theories on who the young star may be referencing, adding an additional layer of fun to the already exciting second album.
The album takes listeners through a plethora of wide-ranging emotions: envy, love, sadness, embarrassment, and most importantly: angst.
Although I find that it does not live up to the hype and power felt through the then-starlet’s first album, musically, “GUTS” is a solid contender. Many fans feared that she could not live up to the standard she had set for herself, but fans, such as myself, knew that she had hit the mark with her newest release.
The album starts strong with the angsty teen anthem: “all-american b—-”, leading into singles ‘vampire’ and ‘bad idea right?’ and flip-flopping between self-reflective, sad tracks, as well as ex-boyfriend analyzing tracks.
My absolute favorite song from this album is “lacy”, which had us all researching who “Bardot” is. There is something so familiarly relatable about the story surrounding “lacy”. This song beautifully translates the idea of idolizing a person in your life that is seemingly perfect and has “the one thing that I want.” This song is built off of jealousy and adoration for someone or something that seems unobtainable.
This album is a new favorite for me and truly highlights the genius of Olivia Rodrigo. She exploded onto the popstar scene from Disney stardom and still dominates the music industry with her continuous talent.