OPINION: MHS’ lunchroom organization is disappointing, insulting

Alexia Barton, Assistant Print Editor

As we came back to school this year, a lot of students were excited to see a lot of the lunchroom opportunities that were the same. The Trojan Den was open and there were still ways to buy drinks, which brings amazing choices to the school. But, though the lunches at MHS have a lot of options, this year has so far proved to be disappointing in a lot of ways.

One of the major problems that the lunch room has is the rationing of the ketchup for the food. The student body is filled with young adults, a lot of which are going into the real world in just a few short months and the school is not letting them have more than two ketchup packets. That is absolutely ridiculous. When the sandwiches and tater tots have no flavoring to them, two packets are not enough. It feels at most a little condescending in a way that we can be expected to act as adults, but the condiments that we have access to have to be rationed and watched over like elementary students.

Another problem that seems to be upsetting the student body is the lack of options in the vending machines. When students go to get a drink, and all of the options are out, it makes them wonder why there are vending machines if the school is not filling up the drinks. 

In a lot of ways, our school is luckier than most. The school has options that a lot of places do not have and it is nice to have these options in the commons at all. But, when you offer these options to students, there is a certain expectation that the students rightfully have, and they feel like they are not being met.