Senior TFT teachers say final goodbyes

Allan Haynes, Junior Reporter & Editor

Trojan Family Time (TFT) has been an ongoing Tuesday and Thursday event for a few years.  In TFT, students have time to do missing work, catch up with friends and participate in team building activities with peers. Teachers sometimes have lessons, parties, and celebrations for their students.

Being a class that you attend all four years of your high school year, it becomes more than a class. The students around you go from being co-workers to dependable friends.

“We really build a relationship,” senior TFT teacher Sara Hoke said. “You find out the ways that they need you. You can help fill their needs. They become family and we depend on each other.”

The family that TFT creates is one of the only school families students will have and the class sticks with them for the rest of their lives. Every good story must have an ending and when it comes to senior year, it will be time to say final goodbyes. The teachers that have watched their students grow from pubescent freshman to grown seniors always have the hardest time saying goodbye.

“Yes, I am going to miss my seniors greatly,” senior TFT teacher Katelyn Martin said. “They are a great group, and I’m going to miss the opportunity to see them grow through the years. I’m going to mostly miss when they make me laugh.”

For seniors, coming back to visit is never a problem. Teachers always enjoy seeing the students that they watched grow.

“I’d love to welcome them back to my class. This is what us teachers live for, to see our students grow up,” senior TFT teacher Deb Foster said.