Standard-based grading lacks uniformity at MHS

Madisyn Hardy, Editor & Reporter

Everyone should now be at least somewhat aware of the new motion to switch to standard-based grading, although it wouldn’t be surprising if you’re not because apparently standard-based grading isn’t so standard among Monroe High School Teachers.

The main issue with this new switch is not the grading scale itself but rather the lack of uniformity. Each MHS teacher can potentially have a different understanding and interpretation of the purpose and requirements. Some teachers only take into account test grades, some make a whole separate category for responsibility and homework. Some teachers don’t even use the four point scale.

Going from class to class with different grading expectations can be stressful, confusing, and quite frankly, frustrating. There could be two students of equal intelligence and work ethic, but if their teachers have different grading scales, they could end with completely different grades.

In some classes a 76 percent would be considered a solid C while in other classes, teachers consider that a B. The grading differences are not all subtle. That’s an entire letter grade. Some teachers allow test retakes. Some teachers allow late work and some don’t. The school as a whole needs grading consistency.

On another note with the standard-based grading, the students are not very well informed on the purpose and process of this system and that can add to a lot of the frustration that the students may feel.

If the school is trying to make a big switch to a new system, doesn’t it make sense that everyone should be educated on it?

There are students that have no idea what standard-based grading actually means; there are some teachers that still don’t understand. The whole switch over seems unorganized and not very well planned out.

Standard-based grading is not all bad; in fact, it has it’s perks, but if the school is going to make a switch it needs to be consistent, organized and well planned, and the students and teachers both need to be educated about it. Just a little more planning and education would most likely eliminate most of the confusion and frustration among the students and staff of Monroe High School.