Writing is one of the best creations of mankind, in my opinion. We can write to talk to our friends; we can write to tell stories, tell our opinion, or express who we are and what we stand for. Writing is everywhere and can be used in so many different ways. I use writing to say how I feel, when I’m upset and can’t put it into speaking words. I try to write it down; sometimes it doesn’t make sense but at least it’s out of my system. People can truly be 100 percent themselves when writing. Pen and paper can’t judge you; they are inanimate objects, and, therefore, they have no opinions. What you write down doesn’t even have to be shared with anyone. Only the person writing has control over that.
If you want to be weird, morbid, crazy, sad, normal…anything! Do it. Writing is for any emotion, any personality, and any situation. Writing is communication and a way to express who you truly are. Some people don’t like writing, and that is completely okay, but I believe nobody can escape it. Writing is everywhere, every subject in school, pretty much every job; there’s no escaping it. So use writing to say how you feel or who you truly are if you’re afraid to tell someone. Writing is there for everything.