With Vine and Twitter becoming more and more popular, it is creating more and more
celebrities. Most of them don’t make any sense. People are becoming famous just
because people think they are cute and kind of funny. They are becoming famous
for the wrong reasons. It just doesn’t make any sense.
The Kardashian’s
As I stand in line at the checkout counter, I glance at the magazines and I see the Kardashians’ faces on at least half the magazines. There is another scandal in their family, Kim and Kanye are getting divorced—big shocker there. Then I start to think, why do we even care about her? She doesn’t have any talents; she can’t sing or dance, she isn’t an actor, and she isn’t even that nice, yet there is a whole show dedicated to her and her family.
The only one on the show that actually accomplished something is Bruce Jenner, who won gold in the 1976 Olympics. The rest of them are just famous for being famous. Kim is famous because she used to be a Playboy Bunny… isn’t she a great role model? The rest of the family is famous because they are rich.
I just don’t understand why people care about the Kardashians. They have a reality television show that just shows them living. It shows them going to work and fighting with each other; these are things that normal people do every day, yet, when the Kardashians do it, it becomes super interesting. I don’t understand while people get paid to have cameras follow them around. People spend hundreds of hours of their lives watching other people live theirs. Sometimes the Kardashians can be funny, but most of the things that they do are insane. If everyone just stops watching the show, maybe they won’t be famous anymore. My goal in life is to never have my children know who Kim Kardashian is, so if we start ignoring them now, maybe by the time I have kids, the Kardashians will be out of the public eye, like they should be.