Senior Tyler Hammack never thought he would be on homecoming court but his friends and fellow staff members on the Lotus Leaf aren’t surprised. This outgoing editor and varsity wrestler is will have one more outlet to use his outgoing personality and sense of humor as he campaigns and enjoys all of the week’s activities.
When we asked senior Tyler Hammack how he felt about being a part of homecoming court he replied, “It feels great! I’m defiantly having a fun time with it.”
Although, he didn’t want to give out much about his skit he said he was planning on doing a dance and will be working with senior rival, Ryan Emmerson. Hammack will include seniors Erica Benson, Alexa Angel, Jordan Lasano, Beau Massingil, Chris Masor and David Mankie.
Besides being a part of wrestling and weightlifting since freshmen year, Hammack is also involved in the Positive Peer Influence program. PPI helps teach younger students to “say no” to drugs and alcohol use.