With homecoming just around the corner and a new principle in tow, questions have been arising among students.
One of the many concerns has been the dress restriction and dance regulations.
“Supposedly I said you have to have a book between you and the person you’re dancing with, but I never said anything like that, “said Principal Valerie Orr. “Am I going to be okay with people grinding on each other? No. I want it to be respectful, but I’m not going to be suspending people on the spot.”
According to Orr, she plans to have a good homecoming for us and “is not out to ruin our night. The dancing although needs to stay appropriate.”
“If I, or any administrator or chaperone, see people dancing or lacking taste, we’re going to ask you to stop,” said Orr. “If people are insubordinate, then yeah, there’s going to be consequences.”
Although her words may be taken out of context by some students, the dancing regulations are still a concern for many.
“I’m not going because of the dance restrictions. I’ve gone to every school dance and have able to dance how I want. Now I’m scared to get in trouble; it’s my senior year,” said senior Emily Terrasi.
For others, they still plan to attend homecoming as done so in the past.
“I’m still going because it’s something I’ve always done with my friends and I like getting dressed up,” said senior Prezley Pietszak.
Other rumors have been spread in regards to the dress code, especially for females.
“I know how hard it would be to find a dress that follows the dress code with sleeves and what not,” said Orr. ”I’ve said nothing in regards to that.”