On Sept. 20, 2012, the Michigan legislature passed a bill stating that every public school in Michigan must have an American flag in every classroom, and that schools have to provide an opportunity for students to be able to say the Pledge of Allegiance every day.
Governor Rick Snyder signed this law so that all kids have the opportunity to say the pledge every day.
“This legislation provides one more way to help introduce students to the importance of civics,” said Snyder (mlive.com).
The new law comes with mixed reviews from students. “I think it’s a good law because it gives students an opportunity to show respect for their country,” said senior Logan Rutledge.
“We have freedom of speech, symbolic and verbal, so I don’t believe that the government has the right to force a law upon schools that denies them freedom of speech,” said sophomore Abby Yeary.
It is reported that some Michigan schools say that they cannot afford for there to be a flag in every classroom. According to mlive.com, they feel that if this has to be a law the government should buy the flags.
This bill states that no students are required to recite the pledge, but the opportunity is there for the students who do. Michigan along with 43 other states enforces this law in public schools.
Junior Jane Patterson said she shows her support.
“I believe that this is a really good idea because it falls under the category of freedom of speech,” said Patterson.