Have you ever been tired of hearing the same boring thing on the radio?
Thanks to funny and entertaining people like Austin Washington, one of this year’s Homecoming court candidates, you won’t be bored again.
You may know Austin Washington as the voice from the ceiling at MHS. He entertains and informs the students on important events in the morning and actually gets the attention of the half-asleep class (which is next to impossible).
But what you may not know is that he wants to be a radio DJ as a career after high school. With Washington on the radio, boredom will be a thing of the past wherever he goes.
“My plans are to go to Specs Howard for a few years and eventually become a radio DJ,” said Washington.
He went on to explain that he has always loved the radio. He said he loves to make people laugh and isn’t afraid to state his opinion to a crowd.
“Radio is just my thing; it’s something I love. I wouldn’t be able to stand being in a small cubical typing all day. I’d go crazy!” said Washington.
Washington is already well on his way to landing his dream job. Other than at school he has also had two radio stations, Urban Expression Radio and Integrity Radio, where was able to voice his opinion. He also had a podcast online for a short time.
Austin Washington is known to be as funny as he his kind and will surely be showing his personality to the world soon on radios everywhere.